We give the chance to the young, hardworking and well-educated people who by knowledge, skills and work ethics do not fall behind their companions in European countries.

As a socially responsible company, we want and strive for employing our domestic potential. The ground of our economy must be the one of Serbian smartness and domestic products.

Dragan Dakić / Managing Director

We give the chance to the young, hardworking and well-educated people who by knowledge, skills and work ethics do not fall behind their companions in European countries.

As a socially responsible company, we want and strive for employing our domestic potential. The ground of our economy must be the one of Serbian smartness and domestic products.

Dragan Dakić / Managing Director


Take a look on our fleet vehicles, our equipment
and our skillful team.


Pogledajte naš vozni park, opremu sa kojom raspolažemo
kao i naš stručni kadar

Join our team

“Devotion, competence and team spirit of our staff is one of the key factors to the successful business and leadership position of our company in this part of Europe.

Working in the company MontopPro means working in a dynamic and challenging working atmosphere which provides ability for an everyday gaining of the latest knowledge and some new skills. Working with us means being the part of one successful team.”“

Feel free to contact us for any further enquiries.

